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Your Goals

What are your concerns and goals? When was the last time you felt really good -- energetic, active, pain-free, mentally sharp, happy? How do you want to feel and what do you want to be able to do in six months, in a year, in ten years from now?

Clients complete a comprehensive health history questionnaire. Then we spend time talking about this to help prioritize a nutritional treatment plan. I believe that this is a partnership. I'm here to help you meet your goals.

Comprehensive Assessment

After your goals and priorities have been defined, we gather more information about your nutritional status. This may include laboratory assessments, nutritional genetic analysis, a 3-day food diary, and/or a nutritional physical exam. Laboratory assessments and genetic analysis are complementary. Labs tell us what IS, and genetic analysis tells us WHY and WHERE metabolic processes are impaired. The more data we have, the more personalized and focused (and effective!) your plan will be.

Personalized Plan and Coaching

Finally, I will create a plan for you that is personalized, effective, and sustainable. We will define ways of tracking and celebrating your progress. Follow-up appointments are very important because treatment plans may need some initial adjustment. Therapeutic treatment plans are also intended to be short-term, with a transition to a maintenance plan when you are feeling better. Along the way, I will also share information to enhance your general knowledge about nutrition and about how our body works.

Our bodies have an innate ability to thrive if we provide it with the right nourishment, rest, and protection. All three of these essentials are compromised in our modern world and are at odds with the genetic profile of our ancestors, which we inherited. Optimal health is achieved when we bring our diet and lifestyle into alignment with our individualized needs. A whole-food diet and limited exposure to chemicals is a significant improvement over the standard American diet, but individuals may have fairly significant differences in needs for macronutrient ratios, micronutrient needs, or support for detoxification and antioxidant pathways. These specialized needs become more acute as we advance in age. If you really want to dial in your nutrition and lifestyle, I’d love to work with you and help you achieve this level of health and vitality. As mentioned above, I look at multiple data sources to identify your personal needs:

  • Laboratory assessments
  • Genetic analysis
  • Detailed health history
  • Body measurements and physical signs of nutrient deficiency
  • Food diary

If you would like to work with me or have further questions, I invite you to request a free 15-minute consultation to start the conversation.

Warm regards,

Suzie Ama
Doctor of Clinical Nutrition